
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

List All Stored Procedure Modified in Last N Days

I usually run following script to check if any stored procedure was deployed on live server without proper authorization in last 10 days. If SQL Server suddenly start behaving in un-expectable behavior and if stored procedure were changed recently, following script can be used to check recently modified stored procedure. If stored procedure was created but never modified afterwards modified date and create date for that stored procedure are same.

FROM sys.objects
WHERE type = 'P'
AND DATEDIFF(D,modify_date, GETDATE()) < 10
----Change 10 to any other day value

Following script will provide name of all the stored procedure which were created in last 10 days, they may or may not be modified after that.

FROM sys.objects
WHERE type = 'P'
AND DATEDIFF(D,create_date, GETDATE()) < 10
----Change 10 to any other day value.

Date condition in above script can be adjusted to retrieve required data.


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